Psychoeducational Assessments in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Psychoeducational assessments are psychological evaluations that measure cognitive and academic skills. These assessments are commonly used to diagnose one's learning disabilities, developmental delays or developmental disability, and intellectual disabilities.
Dr. S. Gerald Hann Psychological Services offers comprehensive psychoeducational assessments in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Our team of licensed psychologists in Halifax has extensive experience in conducting these assessments and providing tailored recommendations to support the individual's needs.
Understanding Psychoeducational Assessment
A psycho-educational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's psychological and educational functioning through comprehensive assessments. It's often used to identify learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other cognitive or emotional issues that may interfere with learning.
The assessment typically involves a series of standardized tests and observations to evaluate various aspects of cognitive, academic abilities, and intellectual abilities. These may include:
Cognitive Abilities. This includes intelligence, problem-solving skills, memory, attention, and executive function measures.
Academic Achievement. This refers to the individual's performance in areas like reading, writing, mathematics, and other academic subjects.
Behavioural and Emotional Functioning. The assessment can also include personality, behaviour, social skills, and emotional well-being measures.
Learning Processes. This includes assessments of phonological processing, visual-motor skills, language skills, and other processes related to learning.
It's important to note that psychoeducational assessments differ from psychological assessments, which focus more on emotional and behavioral issues. A psychoeducational assessment is designed to evaluate an individual's learning strengths and weaknesses to create a learning profile of their educational needs.
The goal of our psychoeducational testing in Halifax is to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's strengths and weaknesses. We can then use these pieces of information to develop a personalized plan for academic support and intervention.
What Does a Psychoeducational Assessment Involve?
Here are some of the key components of a psychoeducational assessment:
Cognitive Assessment
This often involves an IQ test, such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). These tests measure various aspects of intelligence, including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.
Academic Achievement Testing
This measures skills in core academic areas like reading, writing, and math. Examples include the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement, the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA).
Behavioural and Emotional Assessment
These assessments are used to identify any emotional or behavioural issues that could be affecting the individual's academic performance. They may involve self-report surveys, observations, and clinical interviews. Examples include the Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC) or the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA).
Executive Functioning Assessment
These tests evaluate organization, planning, impulse control, and flexible thinking skills. Examples include the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) or the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS).
Learning Processes Assessment
This involves evaluations of specific learning processes such as phonological processing, visual-motor skills, and language skills. Tools like the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) or the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (TVPS) might be used.
Observations and Interviews
Observations of the individual in the classroom or other settings and interviews with teachers, parents, other loved ones, and the individual themselves provide additional valuable information.
Who Can Benefit from Psychoeducational Assessments?
Children and Adolescents
Identify learning disabilities or difficulties
Assess cognitive abilities, academic performance, academic functioning, and behavioural functioning
Pinpoint attention and concentration issues, such as ADHD
Child assessments and school-related assessments evaluate social interactions and emotional factors affecting learning
Determine the presence of learning difficulties
Assess cognitive abilities and academic achievement
Adult assessments identify attention span and concentration issues
Provide guidance for career planning and workplace accommodations
When Should a Child Undergo a Psychoeducational Assessment?
A psycho-educational assessment typically involves a series of standardized tests that assess an individual's cognitive abilities, academic achievement, and emotional functioning.
Learning Difficulties. If a child is struggling academically and interventions at school are not leading to expected progress, a psychoeducational assessment can help to identify learning disabilities or other factors contributing to the difficulties.
Behavioural Issues. If a child is displaying behavioral issues in school, such as difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity, or disruptive behavior, an assessment can help determine if conditions like ADHD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder may be present.
Emotional Concerns. If a child appears anxious, depressed or having emotional outbursts that are affecting their school performance, an assessment can provide insights into potential mental health issues.
Giftedness. If a child is demonstrating advanced abilities or talents beyond their peers, a psychoeducational assessment can help identify giftedness and inform appropriate educational planning.
Social-Interpersonal Issues. If a child is having trouble making friends, is frequently in conflict with others, or seems isolated, an assessment can explore possible issues like Autism Spectrum Disorders.
It's important to remember that a psychoeducational assessment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a tool that can provide valuable insights and guide interventions, but it should be used as part of a comprehensive approach to supporting a child's educational and psychological well-being.
How to Prepare Your Child for a Psychoeducational Assessment?
Preparing your child for a psychoeducational assessment is crucial to help them perform at their best and reduce any anxiety they may have about the assessment process. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare your child:
Present the Positive. Frame the assessment as a positive step towards understanding their unique learning style and helping them succeed in school rather than as a punishment or something to be feared.
Explain the Process. Explain what will happen during the assessment in age-appropriate language. Let them know there's no need to study for it and that it's about figuring out how they learn best, not passing or failing.
Keep a Normal Schedule. Try to keep your child's schedule as close to normal as possible on the day of the evaluation. Disrupting their routine could add unnecessary stress.
Ensure Proper Rest and Nutrition. Ensure your child gets a good night's sleep before the testing session and eats a healthy breakfast on the morning of the assessment. They should also be well-hydrated.
Don't Cancel Favorite Activities. Try to retain your child's favorite classes or activities so that testing will not be a negative experience.
Talk with the Evaluator. Ask about general expectations, information about the setting, and other details that will be helpful to share with your child.

Why Choose Us for Psychoeducational Assessments in Halifax

We work with our clients to create lasting change.
Experienced Professionals. Our team comprises licensed psychologists with extensive experience in psychoeducational testing and effective assessment tools.
Personalized Approach. We understand the unique needs of each individual, and our assessments are customized to provide the most relevant insights and accurate diagnosis.
Comprehensive Reports. Receive detailed reports outlining assessment results, recommendations, and strategies for support.
Collaborative Process. We value collaboration with clients, families, educators, and other professionals to ensure a holistic understanding of the individual's needs.
Confidentiality. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All assessments are conducted with the highest level of confidentiality.
What to Expect From Our Psychoeducational Assessment?
Our psychoeducational assessment usually involves several stages and can provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's cognitive, academic, and behavioral functioning. Here's what you can typically expect from the process:
Step 1: Initial Consultation
This involves a meeting with one of our psychologists to discuss concerns and challenges and gather background information about the individual's developmental, medical, educational, and social history.
Step 2: Testing Sessions
The individual will participate in several testing sessions, including IQ tests, academic achievement tests, and assessments of memory, attention, executive functioning, and emotional and behavioral functioning. These tests are typically administered over multiple sessions to avoid fatigue.
Step 3: Observations and Additional Data
Our psychologist may also observe the individual and gather additional data from teachers or other professionals who work with them through questionnaires or interviews.
Step 4: Report Preparation
After collecting all the data, our psychologist will analyze the results and prepare a detailed written report. This report usually includes a summary of the findings, specific diagnoses (if any), and recommendations for interventions or accommodations at school, work, and home.
Step 5: Feedback Session
Finally, if the client is a child, our psychologist will meet with the parents (and often the child) to discuss the assessment results and explain the recommendations. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions about the findings. The feedback session will be scheduled individually if the client is an adult.

Discover Your Full Potential and Address Learning Challenges Through a Psychoeducational Assessment
If you or a loved one are seeking psychoeducational assessments in Halifax, Nova Scotia, our team at Dr. S. Gerald Hann Psychological Services is ready to assist you. Contact us today to discover a comprehensive platform for self-discovery and growth.
Led by Dr. Hann, our team of experienced psychologists is dedicated to guiding individuals through a journey of understanding, ensuring that every assessment for children and adults opens doors to new possibilities. Our psychoeducational assessments also aim to empower individuals to thrive in their unique educational and personal landscapes.

Dr. S. Gerald Hann
Halifax Professional Centre
5991 Spring Garden Road, Suite 585
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 1Y6